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Support our December Mission

Habitat for Humanity

   Backpack Food Program for  Atwood/Hammond Grade School

Please allow me to share a need we have at the Atwood/Hammond Grade School. There are currently 35 students at the grade school who do not have food available to them over the weekend when they aren’t in school.

Our Backpack program proposes to provide these students with a bag with 12 food items in it on Friday to take home to meet this vital need. If it is a long weekend, 15 items will go home with them. The items will vary from week to week.

As we all know, such a program as this will be costly. For example, the current cost is around $15.00 per bag or $600 per student for approximately 40 weeks. Of course, with the rising cost of groceries it will probably cost more as the school year progresses. The anticipated cost for all 35 students for the program, is just over $2,000 a month for the 9 months of school.

If you could find it in your heart to help with this program, it would really be appreciated. I am asking for any amount of donation you can give. The program is a 501-C-3 non-profit for tax purposes.

Please make out checks to:

A-H Backpack Food Program

You can mail to:

A-H Backpack Food Program

300 Eric Drive

Atwood IL. 61913

If you have any questions, please give me a call:

Mary Ellen Harris


Thank you in advance,

Mary Ellen Harris

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The Books of Philippians

 Our Adult Bible class is doing a study on the Book of Philippians led by Jerry Reeder and Pastor Mike Drake. All are welcome to share in this informative class that meets on Sunday Morning during Bible School. 

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)


The Christian Education Ministry Team is asking church members to please donate school supplie​s again this year for the AHGS. A list of supplies needed is posted on the bulletin board and a box with a big yellow school bus is under the table to place the supplies. When the box is full it will be taken to the school and then filled again.

         A big thank you to everyone who supports this important project.

Atwood Hammond Pantry Needs

Salt and Pepper         Canned Spam

Bar Soap                     Peanut Butter

Bath Hand Soap          Shampoo

Coffee (Decaf and Regular) 

Canned Chicken          Spaghetti

Dish Soap                   Flour and Sugar

Paper supplies (paper towels, toilet tissue,

Kleenex, etc) Cleaning supplies, Laundry Detergent are always welcome!

(Please no green beans or corn for now!)

Cash donations may also be given. Checks should be written to Atwood-Hammond Christmas Needy Fund and memoed "Food Pantry." The Pantry is open the first Wednesday of every month from 9 until noon and is available to all who live in the former Atwood-Hammond school district.

The Atwood - Hammond Food Pantry continues to need additional supplies in this season of the year. Suppies needed currently include:

A Bible Reading Program for All Believers

By reading the Psalms, we work on our relationship with God! By reading the Proverbs, we work on our relationship with each other!

On each day of the month, read the corresponding chapter in the book of Proverbs (e.g. today is the 20 of March, and so you would read the 20th chapter of Proverbs). By doing so, in a normal month, you would read through the entire book of Proverbs each month.


"Shawls . . . made for centuries universal and embracing, symbolic of an unconditionally loving God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify."

Requests for a prayer shawl may be made through any member of the congregation or through the church office. Each shawl is lifted in prayer during a worship service before they are taken to those for whom we are praying.

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